The Guardian of the Pearl
The Guardian of the Pearl

The Guardian of the Pearl

Regular price $135.00
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In 2019 I completed a painting entitled “Pearl” as a rendition of one of my favorite paintings, painted centuries ago, “The Girl with the Pearl Earring.” To this day it is my largest piece, standing at 4 feet by 4 feet.

Not only have I displayed it in numerous art exhibitions in New York City, it has also been with me countless times as a vendor in the streets as well. I’ve gotten tons of offers from many by passers, but letting it go never made sense in my spirit. 

Well one day I almost did let her go in a train fiasco because I had packed everything negligently, as a result becoming separated from my most prized possession as the train doors closed inbetween us. My “Pearl” was gone and my heart went with it. All I could do was hope and pray I could get her back. 

When I nervously hopped on the next train, I got to the next stop, and in disbelief that my painting was waiting for me. A kind man stood there holding Pearl upright, almost like a solider on duty. When I ran over to thank him, he told me he “would have been sad to see me lose her.” 

I was 27 at the time, which is literarily the saddest year of an artist in our culture it would seem. Looking back I can see why. I still want her to be in reach, So I’m preparing 27 hoodies for pre-order for each year it’s taken to become the artist I needed to be to recreate such a timeless memento of personal growth and art history. 

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